Sports night preferably indoors

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Sports night preferably indoors
Many people are aware of the importance of a fit and healthy body choose to spend time in the evenings to exercise. There are many choices of sports to do, both indoors (indoor) or outdoor (outdoor).

The specialist sports Ade said Jeanne DL Tobing, sports night is okay to do than not exercising at all. However, exercise should be done at night indoors rather than outside.

"I encourage such indoor badminton, swimming, to the gym, run. Nor were the air outside," Ade said in a media event workshop "Moving Time Now" in Jakarta.

Ade explained, at night the trees will produce carbon dioxide and pick up oxygen. So it is not advisable to exercise the night that many trees in the area. It is not good for the health of the human lung. In addition, the night wind is also not good for the body.

Outside the room, the area is also polluted urban air pollution. Exercise any night should not be done too late so hours of sleep will not be disturbed.

Ade said, immediately after exercise is not advisable to sleep. We recommend that you wait for about 2 hours after exercise and then sleep.

Sports in the morning and the afternoon is better because it follows a person's biological clock. Human biological clock at night is for rest and sleep. "Biorhythms man, around 08.00 am up, down 11.00, and 14.00 to 16.00 pm up again," said Ade.

Ade explained, sport and physical activity should be done regularly to keep the body healthy and fit. Minimum physical aktfitas conducted 5 days a week ie 150 to 300 minutes per week.

Blog, Updated at: 12.57

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