Limit consumption of calorie beverages

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calorie beverages
calorie beverages
Obesity in children can interfere with cognitive development and to carry into adulthood which increases health risks. To that end, obesity needs to be prevented among others by limiting calorie beverage consumption, physical activity, and drinking enough water.

Some of the health problems related to obesity in children, among other things, high cholesterol, hypertension, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, breast cancer, and colorectal.

This was revealed in a discussion entitled "Water Intake Balanced Prevent Obesity in Children and Adolescents", in Jakarta.
A pediatrician from the Division of Nephrology Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia-Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital (Faculty of medicine-RSCM), Sudung O Pardede, said, obesity caused by excess calories are piling up. It was due to the intake of energy into the body through food outweigh the energy spent to move.

Calories needed for daily activity actually fulfilled from food and drinking water. However, children often consume calorie beverages to meet its water needs. As a result, excessive caloric intake and causing obesity.

"Experience in the United States, the majority of people who are overweight as adults already accustomed to eating calorie drinks since a kid," said Sudung.
Data from the United Nations for Children (UNICEF) said in a report in 2012 showed, Indonesia ranks first country with the level of obesity in children in the ASEAN region, which is 12.2 percent. This figure is far above the other countries of Southeast Asia region which also has the problem of obesity, such as Thailand (8 percent), Malaysia (6 percent), and Vietnam (4.6 percent).

Data Basic Health Research in 2013 showed that the prevalence of obesity in children aged 5-12 years of 8.8 percent, adolescents aged 13-15 years of 2.5 percent, and adolescents aged 16-18 years at 1.6 percent.

Balanced Nutrition

Professor of Community Nutrition, Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) Prof. Hardinsyah explained, the child should be accustomed to eating foods with balanced nutrition. That is, in accordance with the nutrients that enter the body needs.

In addition, no less important is to maintain adequate water (hydration), because two-thirds of the body is water. Sufficient water is considered very important because 78 percent of the brain is water, so the water shortage conditions (dehydration) can impair cognitive function.
When a child's physical activity increases, such as exercise, the body's need for water also increased. Unfortunately, the water needs are often met by eating a calorie drinks.

"Children tend to not like it if drinking water alone, but rather drink water that is great. Water requirement is met, but the calories so excessive, "said Sudung.

Medical specialist in renal-hypertensive agent of the Faculty of medicine-RSCM, Parlindungan Siregar, explaining, enough water in the body helps the metabolism of substances in the body.

Blog, Updated at: 14.06

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