CUSTOM ROM For Lenovo a369i : Amzen+2 KITKAT DEODEX
Untuk kali ini saya mau share Custom ROM for Lenovo Amzen+2 KITKAT yang saya ambil dari blog
Penting !!!
ROM ini cocok untuk ROW s108 dan s110
Jika sobat memakai s111 ganti boot.img nya dulu.. Ini Link boot.img ROW s111 :download
Jika sobat memakai s201 ganti boot.img nya dulu.. Ini Link boot.img ROW s201 : download
Sedangkan cara ganti BOOT.IMG bisa di lihat download
- KitKat Look Like
- Remove much un-used code | sekarang kerasa lebih stabil dan smooth
- add/enable ZRAM compressions
- remove live wallpaper
- fix issues GPS
- fix issues Rotate
Fitur :
- Statusbar@
- Gradient statusbar
- vPagerUI
- Navigation Drawer | satu di tab notif sebelah kiri, satu di tab sliders sebelah kanan.
- Notification Drawer Style
- Omni Header machine
- Diagram info
- Applist
- ability to change clock posisition, am/pm, date, and much more
- network speed meter (ChaOS & Thinking Bridge)
- 13 Battery Style icons
- change QuickSettings (Default Toggle) to Lidroid 27 Toggles
- Clear and Task manager button on Recent apps (TouchWiz like)
- AOKP Weather
- Working Automatic brightness
@ - Settings
- add Amzen Menu (system) *disini buat ganti icon batre, jam, expanded, dllnya.
- add Amzen Smooth Projects located in Developer Options
- add Force Dithering* located in Developer Options
@ - android.policy.jar
- ability to change lockscreen background
@ - framework
- center clock, and center date
- patched lockscreeen
- some tweaks
@ - framework.jar
- add MokeeOS listview animations
@ - services.jar
- disable Signature check
- patched services.jar for better multitask experience
@ - Kernel
- Optimized RAMDISK
- Insecure kernel
- Debuggable
- ZRAM size 50% available RAM.
@ - Tweaks
- Amzen Tweaks+
@ - Other
- Much More.
Instalation Guide :
- Bikin Nandroid Backup atau Backup pake Titanium Backup atau sejenis
- Langsung boot ke CWM
- Wipe data, dalvik sama cache
- Instal [ROM]
- Kalo beres, reboot HHnya.
- Sampe HS, reboot lagi hhnya
- Masuk ke settings > system > clock > set clock color nya ke #ffeaeaea
- Masuk ke settings > lockscreen > background > pilih color fill dan tarik alpha nya ke transparent.
- Push ini ke /system/app/disini pake root ex set permissions : r-w-r-r link :
- Masuk ke settings > development settings > cari "Amzen Smooth Projects" > ceklis, reboot.
- sehabis reboot, biasakan diamkan hh agan selama 15 detik
- habis restore apps, atau instal aplikasi, direkomendasikan untuk mereboot hhnya agar lebih optimal
- rekomendasi tambah app Greenify biar lebih irit Batre sama RAM
Special Thanks :
- Allah SWT & Nabi Muhammad SAW
- Source Android
- CyanogenMOD
- M.A.A.a.D
- Cynabung ROM
- Anwar Faqieh
- Andy Wijayanto yang sudah memberi Link
Credits :
- Lidroid @ xda
- Serajr @ xda
- Adi Aishiteru Reborn @ xda
- zeppelinrox @ xda
- pikachu01@ xda
- iandol @ xda
- zacharias.maladroit
- voku1987
- kodos96
- collin_ph @xda
- deltaroh & harbrir @xda
- Red Imitation
- Um Ipoet Kesepian
- um Bagus Prasetio
- um Yanu Alwi
- um Dimas
- um Nopi
- um No More
- i forgot some, sorry my bad. and also,
- You...
Ayo Intip seberapa smooth rom RAGE GEM
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