Custom Rom MIUI 6 for Evercoss A74F

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Custom Rom MIUI 6 for EverCoss Winner X A74F


Custom Rom MIUI 6 for EverCoss Winner X A74F
By Ma Sha

Features :
  1. Based FW 5.4.13s
  2. Lumayan stabil meski masih versi beta
  3. Smooth
  4. Included : Viper4FX, Greenify, Xposed, Camera FV, dll
  5. Online Themes
  6. Pre-rooted
  7. Fitur lainnya silakan dicoba sendiri

Known Bugs :
  1. Di Setting -> More : teks menu Greenify, Viper, Xposed, dll yang muncul angka2 togel. :P Dihapalin aja letaknya. Ane belum dapet Apk_Tool yang cocok buat MIUI. :(
  2. 3G di SIM1 , SIM2-EDGE only
  3. Mari dicari dan fix bersama-sama

Cara Install Custom Rom :
  1. Masuk recovery CWM/TWRP
  2. Wipe system, data, cache dan dalvik cache
  3. Install ROM lalu reboot
  4. Setelah masuk homescreen/menu, reboot kembali ke recovery CWM/TWRP
  5. Wipe cache dan dalvik-cache
  6. Install lalu reboot
  7. Enjoy...

Note :
  1. Dikarenakan ada sedikit trouble waktu install driver Viper, silakan update busybox atau di-root ulang lalu install driver Super Audio Quality di Viper
  2. Install BBM via offline, di PS gak muncul

Links :

  1. MD5 Sum : 755F12818A88C36707C5DA5B4BCB4903

Thanks To :
  1. XDA-Dev Forum
  2. Om eibLis Nightmare
  3. Om Putra Prasasti
  4. All Mastah & Member Forum Evercoss Mania
  5. All Mastah & Member Group Evercoss A74F
  6. And All of You


Blog, Updated at: 06.07

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