Hello to all Vivaltorians, Long time no see, Im sorry i don't make a post for a while, Its hard to handle three blog at the same time :p , Hahaha , btw today im bringing to yo another UI Mod for Stockrom/Zentouch ROM, This UI has been released by Farkhan and official group of Galaxy V on Facebook, So why not im sharing his awesome work for you guys ! :D , So let's begin
This is LimePie UI.
Requirement :
-Custom Recovery Installed
-Disable Signature Check
-LimePie UI (For odex ROM) download here : LimePieOdex
-LimePie UI (For deodex ROM) download here : LimePieDeodex
How to install :
-Download the file of LimePie UI (Choose only one according to your ROM system)
-Boot into recovery mode
-Choose install zip from sdcard
-And now locate the LimePie.zip file and select yes to confirm
-Quickconnect FC
-Pressed QuickSettings button notification will be black for a while.
Credits :
Special Thanks to :
Allah and Nabi Muhammad s.a.w
- Andrey S wiranto
- Al
- Yayan
- Si ipul rokhman
- Al
- Yayan
- Si ipul rokhman
- Farkhan
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