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Hello everyone welcome again on GalaxyVArchive blog, In this post we gonna talk about official links for Galaxy V.

What are means by links for Galaxy V?

In this post you can found many usefull links for Samsung Galaxy V such as Facebook group and so on.

Basically this is a new devices and doesnt have so much official threads about this device, But, With these links you can now explore for MOD,ROM and so on and you never ever missed the update about Galaxy V.

Okay lets start.

XDA Developers Forum Official.

This is basically a thread by a developer called cleverior.ipul and not a subforum for this device. But you can vote this device to have a subforum on this thread.

Here's is the link

Facebook Group (Indonesian)

As the name suggest,This is a development group by Si Ipul Rokhman (One of the admin on that group) for Indonesian on Facebook.In this group you can have a Guide,Tweaks,User share their work and many others. If you are not Indonesian,You can also joined and if you don't understand Indonesian language,simply just ask and wait for the people who can speak English helps you.
Join here

Facebook Pages.

For those who dont know this Device also have their own Facebook Page official , Likes this page and get more updates on your Facebook timeline about this device ! , Like here

Official blog.

This is a official blog for Samsung Galaxy V. No need a link because you already enter it ;p .

That's all for this post. Stay tuned for more upcoming updates on this blog and also make sure check a usefull links for more info.Thanks and goodbye.

Blog, Updated at: 01.20

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