ROM JB Remixes V4 (JB)
Remixes rom(RXR) is a one of a kind rom, that you don't get to see everyday. It is themed to have a touchwizz feeling, as the UI is fully modded and themed. This rom is also perfect for gaming and has very good battery life!!! Well, action speak louder that words, start downloading and use the rom now!
- Rebased fxp 250
- Fater boot time
- Replaced and added more UI sounds
- Added xperia gallery
- Removed xperia lockscreen(go to addons if you wamt it)
- Change to nexus lockscreen(xperia lockscreen eats many ram)
- Aded spremacy trilogy script
- Rebuild some tweaks(some tweaks not working in v3)
- TouchWiz launcher is smoother and faster
- Modded touchwiz UI(_kohjun_ )
- Replaces system background with Touchwiz's
- TouchWiz app icons
- Improved Performance
- Minor ram optimization
- Improved stability
- Removed those fancy framework
- Totally new framework
- added walkman U7.5 by thilinac
ROM Download
Kernel : Lupus
Flash kernel lupus jb v10 or Fusion.
1 .Copy ROM to SD CARD.
2 .Boot into CWM
5 .Flash ROM
6 .Reboot your phone and enjoy! :)
Source: XDA
thanks to agan igo fatahilah
Gamer 4 ULTRA
4.0 based .587
This ROM based on markphyton's Unofficial ICS Called NXT ICS Xplay 4.1.B.0.587 and all settings and optimizations will choose themselves.
1.) Settings with CPU control.
2.) Pimp ROM Feature.
3.) Good System UI settings.
4). On-screen buttons on / off.
5.) Touchpad's activator.
6.) Mobile Bravia Engine 2.
7.) Two Lockscreens option.
8.) App Killer.
9.) RebootMenu.
10.) NewAnimation.
11.) Skip tracks with the volume buttons.
12.) New SettingUI.
13.) Smooth with NO lag for HD gaming.
14.) Awsome BEATS audio.
15.) New Adreno Drivers.
1. Install stock firmware (Latterset for example)
2. Turn on the phone, after the loading complete turn off
3. Flash custom kernel (recommend lupus V11)
4. Enter recovery
5. Flash
6. Turn on the phone, make the Setup Wizard finish
7. Reboot to Recovery, make wipe cache/dalvik
8. Flash
9. Flash additional files
ROM PART 1 (Mirror Media fire)
Gapps Download
Wifi fix: Download
JB Adreno Driver : Download
Sound Recorder : Download
Contact Import : Download
Satus Bar Fix :Download
Fix key board :Download
NOTE : i suggest use app rebooter and titanium backup , open titanium backup freeze or delete what application not use... then if want to plays games HD , click HOT BOOT in app rebooter then you can plays no lags :)
This ROM by ivan-68
Thanx markphyton for his great ROM - for PiMP my ROM
soumya_digi - for SystemUI
farenheith - for touchpads
[ROM][ICS][PORT]Jelly Dream Z1|Full Z1 Style | Z1 Elegance
Jelly Dream Z1 port by Paul Outsider
Changelog :
- Full Xperia Z1 Style:
-Z1 Launcher
-Z1 Widgets
-Z1 Framewrok
-Z1 Settings
-Z1 Album
-Z1 Lockscreen
-Z1 Phone
-Z1 Messaging
-Z1 Clock App
-Z1 Statusbar
-Z1 Wallpapers
-Z1 System Sounds
-Z1 Keyboard
- Fixed clock app FC
- Fixed Xperia Home FC
- Enabled maximum multi-tasking
- Enabled support of 6 Z1 accents
- Increased battery life
- Power options
- Updated all the icons to Xperia JB icons
- Fully fixed HDMI
- A Lot More...
Rom Download
Fix Camera Download
THEME :Download
How to Installation
-Download rom and use recommended krenel
- enter to recovery mode
- Do wiped cache and full wipe to reset the system.
- Flash the rom
- flash camera fix
- reboot the phone
- enjoyed
thanks to all member Neo L group
sekian dulu nanti bakal di update
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