Features :
- rooted
- Deodex
- Init.d Aktif
- BusyBox
- Dual Sim
- New SystemUI style
- reduce 80% lag
- Theme Center
- new boot animation
- New Bootlogo
- remove all bloat wear and gapps for more free ram
- etc
* Ga ada bahasa indonesianya
* Setting kamera
* tambahannya barangkali ada di koment.
Thanks to:
- Allah swt
- Rasulullah SAW
- Suseno Ahmad
- V-rakus*blogspot Wempi Aryadi
Source : Acer Liquid Z200 official Indonesia
1. Langkah awal
>> Backup aplikasi data dengan Titanium
>> Backup rom via CWM (Antisipasi kalau gagal instal)
2. Langkah sebelum instal
* Masuk CWM
wipe and format options
>>factory reset>>yes....
>>Wipe cache >>yes....
>>wipe dalvick/ART cache >>yes..
++++go back+++++
mounts and storage
mount/system >>
++++go back+++++
3. Langkah peng instalan:
>>instal zip from sdcard
>>choose zip from sdcard >>
>>yes akan masuk aroma instaler cukup next....next & finis....
3. reboot system now ( booting pertama agak lama sekitar 5- 7 menit ).
Link : Download
Update Dolby : Download
Update Camera 3MP-12MP : Download
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