[Mod][Port][Rom][CM10.1] Dolby Digital Plus
Step 1. Disable Signature services.jar
Untuk mudahnya pake Lucky Patcher, karena kalau manual susah hehehehe, ditambah banyak kan services.jar dari rom CM 10.1 yg udah di edit.
- Buka Lucky Patcher
- Ke Toolbox
- Pilih Patch To Android
- Pilih "Disable signature verification in the package manager" kalau bingung liat
- Klik Terapkan tunggu reboot selesai, biasanya reboot 2x
Step 2. Hapus file audio_effects.con Lokasi di system/vendor/etc/audio_effects.con kalau bisa back up / rename jadi audio_effects_con.bak
Step 3. Flash File Dolby Digital PlusDownload
- Reboot Recovery
- Install .zip
- Wipe Cache
- Reboot System
- Enjoy!!
Masalah :
- Force Close : framework.jar Problem
- Stuck : Disable Signature Problem
- Step 1 wajib dilakukan kalau ente ga mau applikasi yg terinstall hilang
Credits :
- @XDA
- @riyono
- @Group Members of Galaxy Mini 2 Indonesia
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