Root Sony Xperia T2 Ultra 4.4.2 BL/UBL

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Malam semua kali ini saya akan membagikan tutorial cara rooting xperia t2 ultra, OK.. langsung saja download bahan untuk melakukan rooting di bawah ini

EasyRootTool Disini 

Langkah Rooting :
  • USB debugging enabled, Settings => About phone => Click 7 times on Android Build to unlock developer option
  • Install supersu
  • Unknown sources enabled, Settings => Security
  • adb drivers installed

How to use
  1. Download the attachment (latest version) and extract it
  2. Start your device and plug it to your computer
  3. Run install.bat and follow the instructions on screen
  4. In between if you stuck at cleaning wait for 60 sec
  5. Disconnect you phone
  6. Close cmd window
  7. Again connect your phon and 
  8. Hit the install file.


Blog, Updated at: 09.56

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