Once kiss, transmitted 80 bacteria

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One kiss for 10 seconds can transmit more than 80 million bacteria, Dutch scientists said.

They monitor the behavior of kissing 21 couples and found that couples who kiss nine times a day tend to be more likely to share saliva bacteria.

Studies show that the mouth is home to 700 different species of bacteria, but this report reveal that most of the bacteria more easily relocate.
This research was published in the journal Microbiome. Kiss-O-Meter is an interactive exhibit at the Museum of Microbial Amsterdam

A team from the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Science Research (TNO) interviewed 21 couples to determine their kissing habits, including how often they kissed last year and when they last did.

Scientists took samples of bacteria from the tongue and saliva of volunteers before and after the kiss for 10 seconds.

One respondent then consume beverages containing probiotic bacteria of the type easily recognizable.

This research was published in the journal Microbiome. Kiss-O-Meter is an interactive exhibit at the Museum of Microbial Amsterdam

A team from the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Science Research (TNO) interviewed 21 couples to determine their kissing habits, including how often they kissed last year and when they last did.

Scientists took samples of bacteria from the tongue and saliva of volunteers before and after the kiss for 10 seconds.

One respondent then consume beverages containing probiotic bacteria of the type easily recognizable.

When he kissed for 10 seconds with a partner, scientists detect the amount of bacteria transferred to the spouse reaches 80 million bacteria.

Blog, Updated at: 12.04

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