9 super healthy food for stomach

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9 super healthy food for stomach
9 super healthy food for stomach
The stomach is one of the organs of the human body's most important and also very susceptible to infections and health complications. Stomach is the center of the digestive system that can make a major contribution to the health of your body so that you are also responsible for maintaining the health of the stomach. This means that you should eat foods super healthy and comfortable for your stomach.

Reporting from boldsky.com, the following is a list of super foods are healthy and necessary for the health of your stomach.

There are billions of good bacteria in yogurt that are beneficial for your digestive health. Yogurt itself also help in the process of digesting your food.

Lean meat
Meat is rich in iron which is good for intestinal health. But choose lean meat because meat of this type are low in saturated fat can increase the risk of colon cancer in older men.

Bananas are one of the healthiest fruits in the world. Eating a banana beneficial to improve intestinal health and overall digestive health.

Oranges are rich in vitamin C and fiber. Both of these substances are beneficial to the health of the stomach and strengthen your immune system.

Lemons contain soluble acids are good for cleaning digestion.

Ginger is one of the best herbs for the health of your stomach. Eating ginger can prevent inflammation in the stomach

Peppers are rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients which are both able to prevent some stomach infection.

Green vegetables, especially spinach and kale contain a lot of zinc, vitamins, and antioxidants. Making it a good food for stomach health.

Make sure that you always eat wheat or whole grains every day. Because wheat is a food that is high in manganese, selenium, as well as dietary fiber that is capable of maintaining the health of the stomach.

Instead you are exposed to a variety of diseases associated with the health of your stomach, you should consume food on a daily basis. Because of course it's better to prevent than cure.

Blog, Updated at: 13.35

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