ROM Samsung Galaxy S5 untuk Cross a27

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ROM Samsung Galaxy S5 untuk Cross a27


- Prerooted.
- Latest googleplay service installed
- Preinstalled app
 Google now
 Google maps
 Google streets
 Google Play Transparant
 Android device manager
 Titanium backup Pro
 BusyBox Pro
 Facebook Transparant
- 2 Transparent accuweather by  Sigit P Adi
- 270 degres rotation on home screen
- Air gesture works ( hs, appdrawer, galeri, music )
- Smart scroll works
- Smart stay works ( But must have good light  :v )
- Swipe to call swipe to message.
- Smooth ( kalo kurang tambahin gula ^_^ )
- Debloated + Slimed
- Removed LatinIME diganti dengan anysoft keyboard.
- 3G Switch Sim 1 & Sim 2.
- Deodexed, zipaligned.
Biar tambah greget set 3 animation scale di developer option menjadi 1 x.

Screenshoots :

Bug Silahkan cari tau dan fix sendiri :v

Special thanks :
1. Allah SWT
2. Sigit P Adi
3. @Doha Saizo for base rom jb 4.2
 @ganz, @mysterius, @agoezt triono, @slamet sukandar
4. bang Ersan permana for patch NVRAM
5. Group crossA7S
6. Dan kalian member Andju yg sudah mensuport saya
  Thanks atas kepercayaannya

Dowload Link :


Patch NVRAM:

#Cara install

-wipe data/reset
-wipe cache partition
-wipe dalvik
-wipe battray stats

-format cache
-format data
-format system

-instal rom

stlah slesai boot, buka BusyBox. biarkan loaded dulu
stelah slesai loaded, pilih instal trus pilih smart instal

baru buka Titanium Backup nya


Accuweather Transparent with background

Accuweather Transparent 50%

Cara install weather, Rename jadi AccuweatherWidget.apk, tusbol ke system setperm rw- r-- r--


tutorial instal
tusbol systemUI k system/app/disini
set permision rw--r--r
boot k cwm
wipe cache
wipe dalvik
fix permision
reboot and enjoy new UI
recomended Root Explorer

Link SystemUI:

Tested by; Renno Berlin 

Blog, Updated at: 05.57

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