Rom S5 UI Samflare V.6.3 untuk Polytron Quadra W7451

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Disclaimer :
I will not be responsible if you Brick your device or any problems whatsoever.....Flash At Your Own Risk.

Fitur :
Sudah Rooted (Selalu :D )
Busybox support swap
init.d aktif dari kernel
Patch kamera 13 MP (Ukuran Pratinjau Rubah menjadi 4:3)
Xperia Keyboard
Xposed Framework
Dolby Sound
Apps Samsung

Flashing Instructions:
Step 1
1) Download zip file
2) Put into external/internal sd card
3) Go to CWM recovery /TWRP/CTR
4) Wipe data/factory reset
5) From advance menu do dalvik cache clear
6) Select install from sd card and select file and select yes
7) Reboot your device

Guide Xposed
setelah masuk HomeScreen buka :
1)Xposed Installer pilih Framework - install update - reboot
2)buka Xposed installer - moduls - ceklis  - reboot

Blog, Updated at: 07.02

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