Colostrum is the first milk produced by the cow after giving birth. Colostrum is produced does not last long; generated only for the needs of newborns to meet the needs of essential nutrients, antibodies, and others.
Colostrum has been used by adults since more than a hundred knows ago. Even more than 1,000 clinical studies have stated that colostrum has been proven safe and effective for clinical conditions, such as viruses, allergies and auto immune / lupus, heart disease, cancer, weight loss programs, athletic stress, leaking intestine syndrome, wound healing and repair muscle and growth factors.
Colostrum has been used by adults since more than a hundred knows ago. Even more than 1,000 clinical studies have stated that colostrum has been proven safe and effective for clinical conditions, such as viruses, allergies and auto immune / lupus, heart disease, cancer, weight loss programs, athletic stress, leaking intestine syndrome, wound healing and repair muscle and growth factors.
There are two major groups of the most important benefits of colostrum, namely: immune modulators and growth factors.
First, Modulators of Immunity
Immuglobin (A, D, E, G and M) are immune factors found to be most abundant in the colostrum. Immuglobin G (IgG) neutralizes toxins and microbes in the lymph and circulatory systems, function IgM destroys bacteria while IgE and IgD very antiviral. Other deposits are Lactoferrin. Lactoferin is antiviral, anti-bacterial anti-inflammatory, protein, iron binds with therapeutic effects in cancer, HIV, cytomegalovirus, herpes, chronic fatigue syndrome, Candida albicans and other infections. Lactoferin helps deprive bacteria of iron they require to reproduce and releases iron into the red blood cells increases tissue oxygenation. The role of immunity Lactoferin underscored by the fact that Lactoferin receptors have been found on immune cells, including lymphocytes, monocytes, macrophages and platelets.Proline-Rich Polypeptide (PRP) can also be found in the colostrum, and is the hormone that regulates the thymus gland, stimulating the immune system to remain active or lower-body's immune system is too active. The function of this down-regulation may be beneficial in autoimmune diseases, such as MS, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, scleroderma, chronic fatigue syndrome, allergies, etc..
Approximately 75% of the antibodies in the body is produced by the GI component of the immune system. The ability of people with AIDS / HIV to fight infectious diseases that are threatened by and partly due to damage from chronic inflammation of the intestine and diarrhea. Several studies have recently reported the role of colostrum in the reversal of this chronic problem comes from opportunistic infections such as Candida albicans, Cryptosporidia, antiviral, herpes simplex, pathogenic strains of E. coli and intestinal flu infection. All intestinal pathogens handled well by colostrum without side effects.
Allergies and Autoimmune Diseases
PRP from colostrum can work as a regulatory substance of the thymus gland. Has been shown to improve or relieve symptoms of both allergies and autoimmune diseases (MS, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and myasthenia gravis). PRP inhibits the overproduction of lymphocytes and T-cells and reduces the major symptoms of allergies and autoimmune disease: pain, swelling and inflammation.Immunity Heart Disease Reversal
Reversal of Heart Disease Immunity can be a hidden cause of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. For example, the type of Chlamydia has been associated with plaque formation in the arteries is more than 79% of patients with heart disease. In addition, research has shown that heart disease can involve sensitization immune to cardiac antigens. This means that the immune system can attack the heart tissue. Colostrum PRP may have a role in reversing heart disease very much, as is the case with allergies and autoimmune diseases. In addition, IGF1 and GH in colostrum can lower LDL-cholesterol while raising HDL-cholesterol concentrations. Colostrum growth factors promote repair and regeneration of cardiac muscle and the regeneration of new blood vessels for collateral coronary circulation.Colostrum PRP may have a role in reversing heart disease very much like it does with allergies and autoimmune diseases. In addition, IGF-1 and GH in colostrum can lower LDL-cholesterol while raising HDL-cholesterol concentrations. Colostrum growth factors promote repair and regeneration of cardiac muscle and the regeneration of new blood vessels for collateral coronary circulation.
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