[Share] [StockMod][cyanMOD] for Galaxy S3 Mini

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[Share] [StockMod][CYANOGENMOD] for Galaxy S3 Mini BY Syaeful Anwar

Feature :
1. Dual panel UI, (Panel 1 notif, lidroid toggle , volume slider), Panel 2 (fb ui), remove stock toggle and brightnes slider
2. Changeable color Status bar and notification panel
3. 13 Battery Style (some battery style not work)
4. Show/ Hide Network Thinking Bridge
5. S4 Style Setting
6. SMS hacks: displaying sent Time instead of the received time, enable save/restore massage to sdcard
7. extended power menu Recovery, Download
8. enable/disable photo contact
9. Call record enabling + Disabling ascending ringtone
10. Adding "Shutter Sound On/Off" in menu, flash can be used in low battery, power menu as shutter
11. CSC Feature controller

How to? :
1. ROm must rooted, deodex, I'm recomended from stock deodex, not tested in rom with another modified apk :P
2. Go to recovery, wipe data, wipe cache, choose zip, done
3. wait a while, until the home screen appears

link :

My First Stock Mod.
I do it with pleasure. So please appreciate and keep support ;)

Syaeful Anwar

Big Thanks to :
1. Adi Aishiteru
2. Bagus Prasetio
4. M.A.A.a.D
5. Ahmad Rifai
6. Narindra Bayu a.k.a Calon S.Pd
7. Ryan Febriyadi
8. Special Pool Wa OPLOSAN
   - Dug a.k.a Dugeriss @XDA
   - Bamz Forever a.k.a Bamzzz @XDA
   - Rekjezt a.k.a Temon
   - Prabu Siliwangi a.k.a Pujangga
   - Anggi a.k.a Sang Mantan
   - Dikul Bahrian (Thanks for S4 Style Setting)
   - Eko De Brayen a.k.a Wong Ganteng
9. b16h22 @XDA
10. lidroid @XDA
11. wanam @XDA
12. majdinj @XDA
13. bigsplit @XDA
14. agmtpd @XDA
15. Samsung
16. Google
17. All Mastahs and members in grup Galaxy S 3 Mini Indonesia
18. All Mastahs and members in grup Official Galaxy Young GT-S6310
19. All Mastahs and members in XDA
20. Repvblik Band for SELIMUT TETANGGA Song

Blog, Updated at: 09.38

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