[Custom ROM] Rom JetBeans Builds 3 For Galaxy Ace 3

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[Custom ROM] Rom JetBeans Builds 3 For Galaxy Ace 3

share aja buat pengguna S7270. Ini ROM juga bisa buat S7272, tapi yang kepake cuma SIM 1.
dr forum Russia. Ini ROM tampilan udah Full KitKat. Meskipun cuma kosmetik. tapi udah lengkap.

ane copas aja ya dr thread sumbernya :
Fitur :
- Compressed all. Apk files (to reduce consumption of RAM) 
- Completed all deodex. apk and framework files 
- Removed unnecessary Samsung'ovsky software 
- Added Google'ovskie program of stock android 
- Added root law and application SuperSU 
- Added BusyBox 
- Partially changed system interface 
- Added the control processor 

Changelog Build 3: 
- Updated Apps: Google Chrome, ES File Explorer, Google Maps, Hangouts, Google Play, Google Search, YouTube, SuperSU 
- Removed duplicate Clock app 
- Removed standard Gallery 
- Removed standard Voice Recorder 
- New applications: Apollo, Sound recorder, Google Keep, Google Gallery 
- Displays the setting items changed on the list
- in "Developer Options" Added "CPU Usage and Control" 
- In setting the added item "Change History JetBean" 
- In the "About phone" logo added JetBean 
- Changed the icons in the status bar 
- Changed color blind notifications 
- Added easter eggs from Android KitKat 
- Fixed bugs and errors Build 2 Build 2: - SuperSU updated to the latest version - Fixed departure keyboard - Fixed bug with constant lags in the system - Fixed bug with long running camera

Cara Instal :
1. Install CWM (Kalo udah ada lanjut step 2). dan kalo udah. SELALU UTAMAKAN BACKUP VIA CWM !! (Biar kalo bootlove agan enggak terlalu terlena akan kegalauan lautan luka dalam)
2. Download OS-nya (Download link paling bawah)
3. Go to CWM dengan cara menekan tombol : Home, Off, Volume up (HH dalam posisi mati) 
4. Ritual biasa, pilih "wipe data / factory reset" dan "wipe cache partition" 
5. Go to "Mounts and storage" and select "format / system" 
6.Pilih install zip from sd card / choose zip from sd card and select File Jetbeans yg di Download td
7. Pilih "reboot system now", Tunggu aja sampai HH hidupkembali (Pertama kali hidup biasanya nunggu 5 minutes atau lebih. jadi sabar) 
8. Enjoy firmware All actions must be confirmed by selecting the item "yes"

SS :

Download Link :

Sumber :

Sekali lagi ane gak bertangung jawab atas kerusakan pada HH agan-agan sekalian

ane rekomendasiin pake script tweak Fly-On mod Beta6.Soalnya selama ane pake tuh script ane gak pernah pake swap swap-an. & Kinerja batrai serta performance hemat & lancar aja. 

Blog, Updated at: 06.16

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