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KitKat Launcher
Posted by CB Blogger
Jika android agan belum mendapat giliran update ke KitKat nah jangan panik agan ga perlu menunggu untuk mendapat update jika ingin merasakan sensasi KitKat di android agan karen kini ada yang namanya KitKat Launcher , dari namanya aja pasti agan sudah pada tau kan ini bakalan kaya gimana :D
KitKat 4.4 Launcher Theme is a latest and wonderful multi launcher theme specifically built for all Android launcher inspired by upcoming Android 4.4 and Nexus 5 leaks.
You can get the latest Android OS with the most amazing Android 4.4 OS available on Google Play, having features like fully custom designed icons,dock bars,folders,wallpapers and much more !
It has very good features like Full graphics support on NOVA launcher,TSF shell,APEX launcher,SMART launcher,Next launcher 3D, GO launcher EX, ADW launcher,ADW launcher EX, ATOM launcher,SS launcher,HOLO launcher and many others !
KitKat experience App Helper: It has very flexible interface to automatically to apply theme on your favorite launcher with info and help also helps for optional Android launchers including KitKat experience wallpaper manager, automatically send any missing icon requests, view all included dock bars,icons,icon names and much more !
KitKat experience Icon Pack: Android 4.4 KitKat comes with a 525+ inspired icons, Completely custom launched icons inspired by a Nexus 5 and Android 4.4 releases.
KitKat experience Icons on Dock Bar: KitKat includes with a bonus icons white/dark icons specially for home screen dock bar, allows you to customize the theme exactly to your taste.
KitKat experience Dock Bar set: KitKat comes with a 40+ different dock bars to choose from a variety of styles and color options.
Android KitKat Wallpaper Manager: Advanced and easy-to-use wallpaper management program with no fragmentation, smart wallpapers selection mode adds only the best size to perfectly match to your Android device.
New Cloud-Based wallpaper manager allows you to directly set or download wallpapers design to your Android device, giving you to more space and freedom to use 3rd party wallpaper app.
Agan liat dulu dah beberapa screenshotnya :
Untuk agan yang ingin mencoba launcher ini silahkan agan download disini DOWNLOAD
Semoga Bermanfaat!!!
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Blog, Updated at: 19.30
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