Custom Rom TECNO 1.2 Untuk Samsung Galaxy Fame

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Kebetulan sekarang ane mu kasih CusRom untuk Samsung Galaxy Fame inilah beberapa fitur yang dimiliki oleh CusRom TECNO :

  1. Advertising is free for all applications 
  2. this root
  3. change icons of the notification bar
  4. reset options (recovery, hot reboot, download, reboot)
  5. is free of all trash and other things telcel
  6. Replaced the google chrome (which is slow) for maxthon browser
  7. Jeally beam icon is now a robot that says galaxy fame up
  8. Functions are added to other configurations
  9. Walpapers change originals for new and better
  10. Remarkable performance and fluidity of cell
  11. scripts have been added to the ROM speed.
  12. Added an app Bookmarking and contacts (very customizable)
  13. The default music player is another slight change
  14. the option to "download video" on youtube are skills 
  15. changed bootanimation
  16. has build.prop codes to improve:
  • Increase overall touch response capacity
  • Render UI with GPU
  • Force launcher into memory
  • On faster
  • High speed wifi and 3g

Biar ga penasaran agan liat dulu dah beberapa screenshotnya :

 Cara Instalasi :

  1. Simpan file Rom di SDCard
  2. Kemudian ke mode  recovery 
  3. Wipe cache
  4. Pilih Install from SDCard 
  5. Kemudian install file ROM yang tadi
  6. Tunggu hingga proses selesai 
  7. Reboot

Untuk agan yang ingin mencoba Rom ini silahkan download kesini DOWNLOAD

Semoga Bermanfaat!!!

Blog, Updated at: 20.05

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