Georgia government website has been hacked

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Georgia government website which is located at have been compromised by hackers and security system until the news was made, at approximately 15:00 11-08-2013 WIB website is still under the control of hackers.

certainly very vulnerable, because an important website owned georgia government target, where a hacker can get in and out can take an important data in our computer servers, security by hacking on a website and enter in it.

Below are the results of a successful shoot localtechno screen grab :

>> The following is a BRIEF message written on the website :

Pwn | JIGsaw

The only posts that localtechno get when trying to access one of these websites georgia government on 11-08-2013 about 15:00 pm 

who knows what the motive that drives hackers, hopefully this becomes a lesson for us all, and try to improve the security system on a website, especially the government websites.

Blog, Updated at: 06.00

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