welcome loyal pal localtechno, time I will present an update on the news or purworejo website, in http://inspektorat.purworejokab.go.id, on 09-07-2013 in dikes by hackers, at about 03: 36:02 pm, until the information is published.
wow did not imagine it was how many government websites. go.id that in hack security systems by hackers, it is in need of special defense, let alone to an important government websites.
if hit deface, not funny .... ha ha ha, but do not worry, here localtechno will try to present news about hacking and others, with a relaxed presentation, so do not be uptight buddy, so donk .... he he he
But fortunately, this inspectorate website is not 100% completely immobilized, because the hackers simply upload an index.html file alone, try my friend see the message conveyed in the hacker's index inspectorate website.
just click the picture gan order to see more clearly ....
hopefully this can be a lesson and we can take a lesson from each event, in order to further improve the security system in order not exhausted our website again by hackers who in the name of himself on the website "Fauzan Firzaa" or other hackers.
buddy can also see the mirror "zone-h.org/mirror/id/20239234"
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