hallo all, this time I will be posting how to keep our blog more optimal, for bloggers is necessary and crucial to improve the performance of their blog, Google has provided on blogspot dashboor a robots.txt tool to improve search engine on our blog so you can easily detectable by google search engine. in configuring robots.txt buddy should be very careful, because if the wrong settings when configuring the crawler and indexing blogspot buddy will be ignored by the search engine Google, now therefore be careful buddy.
But don't worry this time I will take my friend to not wrong when configuring the device, I have tried it on my blogspot and the results are quite satisfactory, even though I currently have several times rejected by adsanse but I would still give the best to my friend all , he he he my prayer so that it is received ok ..
back to the laptop. now open dasbhoor blogger buddy and select or search preference settings.
- then find: robots.txt special
- click edit
- robots.txt activate special = yes
then enter the code below:
User-agent: *
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
User-agent: *
Disallow: / search
Allow: /
Sitemap: http://localtechno.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?orderby=UPDATED
and replace the red writing it with a buddy blogspot address
then click save.
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